Tile Roof Leak Repair of a Valley - Roofing in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

Tile Roof Leak Repair of a Valley - Roofing in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA

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Publish Date:
17 January, 2023
Video License
Standard License
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Roofer shows a video of a Tile roof leak repair we were doing in Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca. Rancho Santa Margarita is almost entirely roofed with concrete roofing tiles. There's a couple important things that need to be done and we show a few of them: How the tiles are carefully removed and safely stacked aside for later reuse, getting the entire leak area exposed and finding the actual leak source via uncovering the water stain on the plywood or in this case OSB (organic strand board). Lastly we show what you flashing should look like after they are cleaned off of the old sealant before you put a polyether based on them and new storm collars where applicable.

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