Anyone can Repair a Metal Roof Seam leak in 3 minutes DIY Turbo Poly Seal

Anyone can Repair a Metal Roof Seam leak in 3 minutes DIY Turbo Poly Seal

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Watch this video on 3 different ways to repair a metal roof leak
Fixing a leaky metal roof seam is very easy. Repairing a metal roof seam with Turbo Poly Seal is simple, and it is a Do It Yourself project. Metal roofs are excellent in general. Most issues are at transitions like seams and end flashing. A foam gasket is used to seal between two panels or to prevent water from leaking at wall flashing or other transitions. These foam gaskets deteriorate over time, and water leaks when it rains. Instead of replacing these rubber gaskets, we use Turbo Poly Seal ( to make the transition. It is a far better solution at a fraction of the cost. Turbo Poly Seal will adhere to metal, plastic, asphalt, and other surfaces.
Read more and see more videos on my website, Flat Roof Doctor

Five steps on how to use Turbo Poly Seal:
1. Clean the area from old caulking and tar
2. Remove rust with a grinder and steel bristle wire brush
3. Wipe the surface clean with lacquer thinners to ensure there is no silicone residue
4. Apply one coat of Turbo Poly Seal covering two inches on either side of crack or seam
5. Install the Polyester fleece over the layer of wet Turbo Poly Seal
6. Apply a second coat of Turbo Poly Seal covering material
7. If necessary, a final coat can be applied after several hours
To buy Turbo Poly Seal or Super Silicone Seal -
FTC Affiliate Disclaimer - I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post

Steps on How to Repair a Metal Roof Seam that leaks with Turbo Poly Seal
Metal Roof - 00:00
Metal Roof Seam leaking - 0:21
Screwing down new screws - 01:05
Applying Turbo Poly Seal 1st coat - 1:45
Showing Flexibility of Turbo Poly Seal - 02:06
Applying Polyester Fleece - 02:43
Difference between Turbo Poly Seal and Tar - 03:01
Applying 2nd Coat Turbo Poly Seal over Fleece - 03:47