Mesa Az Stem Wall Foundation Repair - Concrete Repairman LLC - Video

Mesa Az Stem Wall Foundation Repair - Concrete Repairman LLC - Video

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Mesa AZ Foundation Repair.
Stem wall repair company in and around Mesa Arizona.
Mesa AZ Stem Wall Repair.
Foundation inspection

We're hearing a stem wall repair project. Oxidize rebar is breaking out this entire side right here causing this horizontal crack to occur. Chloride ion drive is creating the low voltage electrical current in the steel that's expanding up to five times its size in diameter breaking out this whole side and continues. This crack will go all the way around the house. What has to be done is, pretty much the rule that most all contractors go by is sand blasting the rust off. Once we chip out the broken concrete and get to the reinforcement steel that's on the interior. The problems with sandblasting is, you can't get all of the rust off of that steel here on the back side. At Concrete Repairman LLC, we remove the steel and replace it with new #4 bar reinforcement steel coated with rust inhibitor epoxy this rust inhibitor epoxy. This will not allow any more moisture to be introduced to the steel to create the expansion of the steel. Once we replace the interior reinforcement steel, then we're going to put structural hydraulic grout, and bring this out to a nice smooth paintable surface.Then we're going to waterproof from the top all the way down this vertical wall. Because we do know that the reason why this occurred is because of moisture. It takes moisture, oxygen, and steel to throw a party called oxidation. This expands the steel causing this problem and the electrical current to pass running through it, and will go left and right both directions causing a lot of damage. Over here is a hurricane strap or a Simpson tie-down strap. The rule of thumb for this is if the rebar for an example has scalled itself or pealed it's self down 20% or more of itself it. It gets removed and replaced. However in this situation this hurricane strap or Simpson tie-down strap, is what it's called, we cut the top and we cut the bottom. All of this is going to be removed down here to this crack. So all of this whole section will be removed and we'll cut it off the bottom cut it off at the top and then we put our rust inhibitor on the top and on the bottom. Then patch it back with structural grout, waterproof, and paint. This process with Concrete Repairman, we always ecavate the dirt, we put our tarps down so the dirt and the decorative rocks don't get mixed up together. Because we do know we have to excavate to waterproof the foundation. Which most companies do not do, and it is recommended to stop any moisture from going into this foundation causing that. You can see where the paint is painted down to the top of the dirt the dirt gets wet below the paint, the moisture goes in activates the steel, pretty simple. Any new homeowners watching this foundation repair video, it is recommended you waterproof the perimeter foundation before any dirt goes next to this or your home and dirt grading and rain gutters are always recommended.

For more information about oxidized rebar, stem wall crack repair, foundation crack repair, floor grinding, floor stitching, and floor leveling.

Contact James at 602-418-2970 You can always call me to do a
foundation inspection.

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