How Much Does It Cost To Fix A Foundation - Here's a Great Tip To Help Save You Money

How Much Does It Cost To Fix A Foundation - Here's a Great Tip To Help Save You Money

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How Much Does It Cost To Fix A Foundation

It's hard to estimate how much does it cost to fix a foundation. I started having cracks in my foundation and walls seemed to be shifting inside my home. I started to get pretty worried and nervous, so I started researching how much does it cost to fix a foundation. What I found was startling. I had many foundation companies out to give me quotes and I was getting anywhere from $30,000 down to $3,000. I had no idea what to do!

How Much Does It Cost To Fix A Foundation

I called a few realtors to see if they could give me an idea on how much does it cost to fix a foundation. What they suggested - and I'm so glad that they did - was to get a structural engineer's opinion.

After I got the opinion of a structural engineer, I was able to make an educated decision on how much does it cost to fix a foundation and was able to obtain an average cost of foundation repair based on my needs.

Above and beyond the foundation work, I have to replace a large amount of landscaping due to the foundation work.

Good luck with your foundation repair!

How Much Does It Cost To Fix A Foundation
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Foundation Repair
Cost of Foundation Repair