House Flip Update: Major Changes on this 1904 House! Bought 4-17-2020

House Flip Update: Major Changes on this 1904 House! Bought 4-17-2020

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Publish Date:
2 September, 2020
This Old House Videos
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We bought this house from the MLS a few months ago for $215,000. I bought it during the coronavirus shutdown without seeing inside of it. The house had an inspection completed on it before I bought it and I was able to see that report and pictures of the inside so I was not buying complete blind.

We knew it would need a lot of work and we have had to redo the electric, the HVAC, the roof, flooring, and repaired a wall that was falling down! For the good, the plumbing did not need much work!

The house is getting closer but we had to wait a while for our electrician to fix things. Now we can get started on it again and hopefully have it done in a few weeks.

You can see the before videos below:

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Mark Ferguson’s purpose is to help as many people as he can become financially free through real estate.
Mark has been a real estate investor and real estate agent since 2001, after graduating from the University of Colorado. Mark has flipped close to 200 houses and routinely flips 15 to 25 houses a year. Mark owns 170,000 square feet of rentals and is the managing broker and owner of Blue Steel Real Estate. Mark has also written 9 books that you can find on Amazon
Mark started InvestFourMore in March of 2013 to discuss his rental property investing techniques. Mark expanded InvestFourMore to talk about his flipping business and real estate agent business. InvestFourMore now has 300,000 views a month and is one of the top real estate blogs.
House Flip Before and After Playlist:
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