OUR NEW POOL INSTALLATION - we share the process, timeline, brand, cost, furniture and family fun!

OUR NEW POOL INSTALLATION - we share the process, timeline, brand, cost, furniture and family fun!

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Publish Date:
26 March, 2023
Pool Installations
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We got a pool!! I never thought it would happen. We'd written our backyard off as a terrible space, but our new pool has completely changed that. Now it's the best space at our house!

New pool installation process:
-We found a fiberglass pool that someone else cancelled on right when Covid hit in March. We got really lucky because pool companies didn't have pools in stock and manufacturing is backed up. So we stumbled upon an available pool, from Aloha Pools in Jackson, TN - just up the road from us.

-Our process from deposit to the pool set and concrete in was a bit longer than we thought it should be. One of our neighbors got their fiberglass pool installed and finished in about 10 days. It took nearly 3 months for our pool to be completely installed and concrete finished.

-We chose a fiberglass pool because of the look and texture of the pool. It's a great design with a shallow deck where Charley likes to hang out and play, but then there's room for a slide on the deeper end at 5.5ft. The pool is a Thursday Pools brand and Aspen model.

-Bret purchased the slide on Craigslist for $2,500. It's one of the largest residential slides made, which is great fun for our whole family.

-We chose broom finished concrete to be installed around the pool. The reason for this type of concrete is so that it has enough texture for traction for the kids but not too rough that it skins up the kids if they fall on it. So we definitely recommend getting broom finished concrete!

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