Top 10 Garden Design Hacks

Top 10 Garden Design Hacks

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01:15 Vilma's Rustic Bridge
01:39 Pam's Hornbeam Privacy Hedge
02:03 Darcy's Parking Strip Meadow
02:32 Vilma's Classical Courtyard-Style Wall
03:41 Pam's Rainproof Pergola
04:17 Darcy's Garden-Immersed 'Hedge'
04:50 Marietta and Ernie's Elevated Platform
05:22 Darcy's Tree-Form Shrubs
05:57 Darcy's Curvy Narrow Bed + Path
06:48 Leslie's Garden-Immersed Deck

It's been a year since we started! Thought I'd celebrate by making a series of Best Of, starting off with Top 10 Design Hacks! Filmed between June 2023 and June 2024, all gardens in the Willamette Valley, zone 8, between Portland and Eugene.

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