Amazing garden! Examples of beautiful landscape design!

Amazing garden! Examples of beautiful landscape design!

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Amazing garden! Examples of beautiful landscape design!

Nowadays, many people prefer to take matters into their own hands and do their own landscaping for their garden plot. However, this process can be quite complex as it requires careful selection of colors and adequate combination of all elements.

If you have a small garden plot, a planar form of composition will suffice. The beauty and harmony of landscape design can be manifested in the simplicity of the basic pattern that you use. Consider using forms that are completely different from one another in terms of magnitude. Keep in mind that the correct geometrical shapes in garden design will only look beautiful if paths, lawns, or curbs are perfectly combined and complemented with minor decor items.

Creating your own unique garden design should start with choosing the center of the entire composition. This is where you can let your imagination run wild, whether it be a decorative fountain, a beautiful tree with a unique haircut, or rare flowers in vases supported by sculptures.

A crucial aspect of garden design is color. You should have a clear idea of the colors that will appear before your eyes after completing the design. Be careful not to overdo it with too many colors as this can turn your beloved garden into a nightmare. Garden color can either calm a person or immerse them in sorrow, so try to keep warm colors as a benchmark for your design as they can help you relax after a hard day.

Moreover, staying in a garden with good colors and decorations can help a person forget their problems and relax. I believe that this should be the goal for every person when designing their suburban garden plot.

This video is educational in nature! Author of the channel "100 Ideas!" demonstrates garden and backyard landscape design ideas and explains their merits.
We made significant changes to our content using Movavi Video Suite 18 video editor, we edited several ideas (image) in a specific order to reveal the video creator's creative intent, and added audio track with our instructions and free music YouTube.


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