077 || Our Villa's Vegetable Garden Design

077 || Our Villa's Vegetable Garden Design

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I just couldn't find the time before, but when there's no way out, you find time, magically. So after having wanted to do this for months, we're here, our high level garden design.
Join us today as we take the first steps towards a self-sufficient future!

Our website
check out our website to stay up to date on the latest and greatest.

We have risked every, including our jobs, to save this beautifull piece of history. With your support we can continue this quest. Of course, only financially support when you are able to. By watching our videos, we also know that you got our backs :)

Follow us on Instagram (VillaOlivaItalia) to see behind the scenes and project updates and previews.

Villa Oliva Playlist
All the videos in chronological order!
Start from the beginning - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctMZ4BlR8GM&list=PLbiZkbL-Md7fxkNYfwnOz8i3kd9o7RnA2&index=3

My name is Sam and together with my girlfriend Lyanne, I am on a quest to restore the beauty of this old Italian villa from 1895. Join us as we have to let go of our Dutch habits to fit in in our Italian surroundings, were the word 'plan' gets redefined and our tastebuds are awakened.
The goal of this project is to show that with limited financial means and a lot of optimism we can resurrect the beauty of this abandoned villa in a green and sustainable way. But most of all learn from everything that we encounter and enjoy it whilst we're at it.

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