Solid Wood Floors vs Engineered Hardwood Floors: Which is Better for Your Home?

Solid Wood Floors vs Engineered Hardwood Floors: Which is Better for Your Home?

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Publish Date:
21 February, 2024
Hardwood Flooring
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In this video, we'll discuss the difference between solid wood floors and engineered hardwood flooring. We'll cover the benefits and drawbacks of each type of flooring, and help you decide which is right for you.

We will cover
1. Ease of installation between both types of hardwood floors.
2. Stability of the floor in different humidity levels.
3. Durability over its lifespan.
4. Cost of both engineered and solid hardwood floors.

If you're looking for a flooring option that'll look beautiful and last long, then you need to consider both engineered and solid hardwood flooring. Engineered floors are made from hardwood veneers that are glued to plywood backing, rather than being constructed with a solid piece of wood. Both solid and engineered hardwood flooring are great options, but there are a lot of little details you don't want to miss when making your decision.

Watch this video to get the full scoop and make an informed and intelligent decision between solid wood floors and engineered hardwoods.

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