Hardwood Floor Install | Sanding and Finishing New Engineered Hardwood

Hardwood Floor Install | Sanding and Finishing New Engineered Hardwood

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Missed the install? Watch it here: https://youtube.com/video/hQ9LeoTh5QI/

It's time to wrap up this engineered hardware flooring install. Today we sand down the floor with an orbital floor sander and then apply a finish. We choose to use the Bona Traffic Natural for this one and love how it turned out. Hopefully this video helps you with your flooring finishing or refinishing your flooring project, or helping out with your home remodel.

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We bought this 1920's farm house in the little town we grew up in. Come along for the ride as we bring this thing back to life and turn it into our dream home! We are not builders, so hang in there with us as we figure it out along the way, in true DIY fashion. Hopefully you enjoy watching us work on our fixer upper as much as we enjoy the work!

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