Beginner Guide to Refinishing Hardwood Floors on a Budget (I Saved Over $4,000)

Beginner Guide to Refinishing Hardwood Floors on a Budget (I Saved Over $4,000)

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Step by step beginner guide to refinishing hardwood floors on a budget! Refinishing the floors myself saved me over $4,000😱 This video explains the cost, equipment, process, and even warnings of refinishing your hardwood floors yourself.

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#hardwoodfloorrefinishing #floorrestoration #hardwoodflooring #doityourself #restoration #floorsanding

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00:00 Intro
00:41 Cost
01:08 Warning
01:40 Choosing a Sander
02:28 Before and After
03:07 Sanding the Floor
05:04 Clean Up
05:29 Applying Finish/Stain
07:10 Final Thoughts

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