How to trace electrical wires like a PRO (the BEST way) #electrican #electrical #electricity

How to trace electrical wires like a PRO (the BEST way) #electrican #electrical #electricity

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How to trace electrical wires like a PRO (the BEST way)

Multi-Meter Shown In Video
Fluke T5-1000 Multi-Meter:
(I do receive a small commission if you purchase with this link. Thanks for your support!)

In this video Stephan shows how to trace electrical wires. In this quick and easy tutorial he discusses what multi-meter he uses, which electrical wires you should use to trace with, and how to test your electrical multi-meter to make sure it's working. Before you test any electrical circuit or wires, make sure that the ELECTRICAL POWER IS OFF.

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DISCLAIMER: Links in the description may be affiliate links. I do receive a small commission if you purchase using my links but I want to make sure you know that these are tools I use everyday and have used for years and stand behind.

I will constantly monitor the tools on this list to ensure that anyone using these links are only purchasing tools of the highest quality.

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Klein Tools Wire Strippers:
Klein Tools Diagonal Cutting Pliers:
Klein Tools Needle Nose Pliers:
Klein Tools 4 in 1 Electronics Screwdriver:
Klein Tools 6 in 1 Stubby Screwdriver:
Klein Tools 6” Torpedo Level:
Milwaukee Phillips #2 Insulated Screwdriver:
Milwaukee 1/4" Slotted Insulated Screwdriver:
Milwaukee ECX #2 Screwdriver (For Breakers and Panel Screws):
Milwaukee ECX #1 Screwdriver (For Receptacle and Light Switch Screws):
Milwaukee 12V Fuel 1/4" Cordless Hex Impact Driver Kit:
Milwaukee Impact Ready Nut Driver Set:
Stanley QuickChange Retractable Utility Knife:
Stanley FatMax 25’ Tape Measure:
Knipex Cobra Water Pump Pliers:
Fluke Non-Contact Voltage Tester:
Fluke T5-1000 Multi-Meter:

Electrical work is EXTREMELY dangerous and should only be performed by licensed professionals. Landers Electric assumes no responsibility for injury or damage to persons or property for the information in this video. Any personal injury, damage, or loss that results from attempting to recreate or perform the tasks displayed in this video is solely the responsibility of the viewer and not the fault or responsibility of Landers Electric. Landers Electric will not be held liable or at fault for any of the any of the information or examples displayed in this video. The information in this video is for entertainment and informational purposes only. Please contact a licensed electrician for any and all electrical projects you need completed.

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