Electricity Safety Tips for the Workplace

Electricity Safety Tips for the Workplace

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Publish Date:
29 August, 2024
Electrical Projects
Video License
Standard License
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Electricity can be very dangerous. It's important to know how what hazards you may encounter on the job when working around electricity. To prevent electrocution, electric shock and burn, consider these safety tips.

Originally recorded May 23, 2014.

Brought to you by Canadian Occupational Safety magazine (www.cos-mag.com).

This video is part of our Safety Tips series, which provides information to workers on how they can do their part to stay heathy and safe on the job.

The Canadian Occupational Safety channel is where safety professionals get the videos they need to help them keep their workplaces heathy and safe every day. Videos cover safety culture and leadership, facility safety, psychological health and safety and much more. This channel also includes Safety Tip videos that help engage workers in health and safety.

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