2)Ch.1 Electrical Safety, Concept of Electrical Shock , General Safety Rules

2)Ch.1 Electrical Safety, Concept of Electrical Shock , General Safety Rules

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Publish Date:
16 June, 2023
Electrical Projects
Video License
Standard License
Imported From:

Basic Electrical Engineering Lecture Series Video (2)
* Contents :-
Session outlines for Chapter 1. Electrical Safety are as follows ,
1. Introduction to Electrical Safety
2. What is an Accident and causes of an Accident
3. General Safety Rules / General Electrical Safety Rules
4. Concept of Electrical Shock
5. Effects of Electrical Shock
6. Methods of removing an electrocuted person

BEE Lecture Series
Video (1) :- Overview Of Whole Syllabus Of BEE (Topics and Subtopics)

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