The EASIEST Way To Save Thousands of Dollars On YOUR Next New Home Build or House Remodeling Project

The EASIEST Way To Save Thousands of Dollars On YOUR Next New Home Build or House Remodeling Project

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Publish Date:
11 July, 2023
Contractor Projects
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Youtube Visit this website today to learn more about home remodeling, construction and new house building. One of the biggest problems when building is costs and a good construction budget and schedule can solve most of it. Don't let your emotions create problems for your pocket book. Think every thing through to the very last penny spent or you will suffer the consequences.

1. Unrealistic Budget - This happens to everyone who has absolutely no idea what they're doing, use cheapest contractor estimates, low material estimates, square footage pricing, wrong materials

2. Material Price Increases - Lumber, windows, doors, siding, roofing, bathroom and kitchen fixtures, cabinets, flooring

3. Change Order Costs - This usually happens when people find better items or more expensive items, Contractor suggestions, you can't visualize what something will look like until it's built.

4. Time Delays -Rental Equipment sitting like scaffolding, forklifts and tools

5. Hiring Wrong People - Building Inspection Problems from incorrect assembly, Hiring friends and family, Bad Estimates, No show contractors

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